Tag: Australia

Australia: nation, country and landmass


I still call Australia home

I looked at Facebook over breakfast and it was alive with talk of sun, sea, sand, steak, salads, sheilas, beer, BBQs, blokes, cricket and a day off. I pulled on my green and gold and tried to think warm thoughts as I struggled into my London winter coat.

Snowtown: a grizzly but awesome Aussie film

It was the story that painted South Australia as the serial killer capital of Australia and made a small country town a tourist attraction for all the wrong reasons. The “bodies in the barrels” case was seemingly made to be portrayed as a Saw style horror film yet director Justin ...

Queensland - Cairns

Hot jobs in sunny Queensland

Whatever your reasons might be for packing up and heading off, you might like to know that the Queensland Government is currently looking to fill over 150,000 job vacancies in various locations and vocations.

Why Poms move to Oz

For many Poms heading to Australia, the attraction is in the idea of absolute escape. But for the Brit who wants to move to Australia permanently, the attraction is less tied to an idea of exploration and the exotic.

Sydney’s siren call

THE HARD NOSED TRUTH: Australia’s property hotspots are there for the taking and according to a report by the property group Australian Homebuyers International (AHI), Aussie online property searches continue to grow.

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